Anjoola's Website
Guides Shiny Hunting
There is a 1/8192 chance of bumping
into a shiny. With such a low occurrence, how is it ever possible to
bump into a shiny? Do not fret, for there is a solution!
Here is a guide that will help you in
your shiny hunting, as it contains many methods to make the hunting
less tedious. Some methods are for Pokémon DPPt and HGSS only! For a way
more serious method called RNG abuse, check out this guide here!
Sections Hunting Blindly |
| Chain Hunting | Soft Resetting | Breeding
Hunting Blindly Back to Top
This may sound strange, but it is actually a method that I use to hunt
my shinies. All you have to do is turn up the volume, or wear headphones. If
you are an experienced trainer, you should have memorized the different sounds
for battling and such. If not, memorize battle sounds! It will be useful
for this method.
1 |
Turn up the volume. |
2 |
Find the grassy, water, or cave area with the Pokémon
you are hunting and run around in that area. |
3 |
A battle will begin, and if the Pokémon is a shiny, you will hear a
sparkling sound. |
4 |
If it is not a shiny, just run away. If you can't
run away, check again! It may actually be a shiny! |
You can do this while reading a magazine, since all it takes is to
listen. Once you hear the battle music begin, and you don't hear the
shiny sparkle sound, just tap or press the run button sequence.

Pokéradar Back to Top
This is for use in Pokémon DPPt only. The Pokéradar
is a useful tool that you can use when hunting shinies. This is given by
Professor Oak when you arrive at the Pal Park for the first time.
1 |
Get off the bike if you're on one, and go into a
large grassy patch, preferably with no trees, holes, or rocks. |
2 |
Use the item Pokéradar found in the Key Items
pocket. |
3 |
Look for a sparkly rustle in the grass. If you don't see one, use the
Pokéradar again until you see one. |
4 |
If you see a shiny rustle, you have a 50% change
that you'll find a shiny! |
Using the Pokéradar is very helpful in shiny
hunting, but takes a long time. While
the Pokéradar doesn't increase your chances of finding a shiny, it
makes it easier as you don't have to go through so many battle
scenes. Don't forget to bring Super Repels (since they
have more steps per Pokédollar than Max Repels have),
because even if you are using the Pokéradar, Pokémon still appear in
grass that isn't rustling!

Chain Hunting Back to Top
There's another method that involves the Pokéradar (only
in Pokémon DPPt),
which is known
as chain hunting. Chain hunting
involves encountering the same Pokémon over and over again using the
Pokéradar. The
Pokéradar functions in a way that you can use it to find a certain
Pokémon based on the rustle it makes in the grass. When you defeat or capture
that Pokémon, the Pokéradar
continues to work, so the grass rustles again, and you
don't have to recharge or reuse the item. You can initiate another Pokémon
battle, and if you defeat the Pokémon, grass rustles again. This starts what is called a chain.

For example, I use my
Pokéradar and find a white rustle. A battle begins and I find a
Skiploom, which I defeat. After the battle is over, more grass
rustles, and I find one that looks exactly like the white rustle. (Remember there are different kinds of rustles, and you want to
go to the one the same as yours). Then I go to the same rustle farthest away
from me, and encounter another Skiploom. I battle or capture it, and
this process is repeated many times.
1 |
Get off the bike if you're on one, and go into the grassy patch
where the Pokémon your hunting for is. |
2 |
Use the key item Pokéradar. Don't forget to
use Super Repels! |
3 |
Go to any rustle in the grass. If your Pokémon is one of the
rarer kinds, its best to start at the white rustles. If your Pokémon
is quite common, start at the small, green rustles. |
4 |
Battle the Pokémon. If it isn't the one you want, run away and
recharge the Pokéradar and repeat steps 1-3. If it is the one you
want, capture or defeat it. |
5 |
After defeating the Pokémon, more grass will rustle. Go to a
rustle that is the same as the one you saw when you encounter the Pokémon
you just battled. Walk to the one farthest away from you, avoiding
other rustles. This increases your chance of seeing the same Pokémon. |
6 |
Battle the Pokémon and defeat or capture it. Repeat step 5 over
and over again. |
7 |
You will then begin a chain. Use Super Repels when necessary and
watch out for other rustles on the way to the rustle you are
after. |
8 |
After a while, you hopefully will see one of the
rustles! That rustle has a 50% of being a shiny, so good luck! |
This method improves your
chance of getting a shiny since you've seen 80 Skiplooms in a row.
You're bound to see a shiny Skiploom (although the laws of mathematics say
otherwise). But, if you go to a rustle, and happen upon
another Pokémon, your chain is broken and you must start again.
That's why it's
advised to use Super Repels so you don't mess up your chain by.
You can also use Pokétch App #20 to see your current and
previous chains.

Soft Resetting
Back to Top
You are probably most familiar with this type of
shiny hunting. This only works for some legendaries and other Pokémon that you can save before you catch them.
If you mess up or do not find a shiny Pokemon, all you have to do is
shut down the system and restart it!
The method
doesn't work for common Pokémon such as
Rattata or Stunky. For a list of all the one time Pokémon you can save
in front of, please click here!
1 |
Save right in front of the place to catch
the particular Pokémon and begin the battle or talk with a person
that has that Pokémon. |
2 |
If it is a shiny, then catch it. If not, soft reset* the game. |
3 |
When you load the game again, you will be right where you saved the
game, which should be in front of the Pokémon you are hunting. |
4 |
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you get a shiny. |
*For the GBA, press and hold A, B, start, select. For
the DS and DS Lite press and hold L, R, start, select. For the
DSi press
the power button once without holding.
This is yet another one of those long processes in catching a shiny.
This requires all of your patience as you need to turn the game on and
off multiple times. While it may seem like it would harm the game by
turning it on and off, it's been proven that it won't. This is the way
most people use to get shinies.

List of Soft Resettable Pokémon
Some legendaries can only be found in certain games.
This is indicated by the different colors, with the colors labeled
according to the title on the left.
Ruby, Sapphire, and
Emerald | Starters, Mew, Sudowoodo,
Lugia, Ho-oh, Electrode, Castform, Lileep, Anorith, Beldum, Regirock,
Registeel, Regice, Groudon, Kyogre,
Rayquaza, Deoxys.
FireRed and
LeafGreen | Starters, Eevee, Snorlax, Aerodactyl, Articuno,
Zapdos, Moltres, Kabuto, Omanyte, Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Deoxys.
Diamond, Pearl, and
Platinum | Starters, Drifloon, Spiritomb, Rotom, Dialga,
Palkia, Uxie, Azelf, Heatran, Regice,
Registeel, Regirock,
Regigigas, Giratina, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus.
HeartGold and SoulSilver
| Starters, Gyarados*, Snorlax, Lapras, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo,
Sudowoodo, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon,
Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina.

Back to Top
This method is one of the long ones, but lets you
choose which Pokémon you want to be shiny. First
you need to know how to breed. If you don't, check out this page here! A
common mistake is assuming that saving before an egg hatches, then
resetting if a shiny does not appear is a valid method. However,
this does not work, because
once an egg is made, all details about the Pokémon are already set.
before you make an egg!
1 |
Put the Pokémon you want to breed into the Daycare
center. |
2 |
Walk around for a few steps until you get an egg
from the Daycare Man. Make sure you have space for the egg! |
3 |
Continue walking, and more eggs will be made. Try
to get five eggs into your party to make this quicker. |
4 |
Hatch the eggs. If they are shinies, congratulations! If not, you
have to walk around more until the Daycare Man has more eggs. |
5 |
Repeat steps 2 through 4 to get more eggs, and
hopefully one of them will hatch into a shiny! |
Hopefully you've caught a shiny Pokémon using these methods! If you
know of any better or newer methods, please contact