Anjoola's Website Pokémon
Guides Pokémon Forms
Introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver was the new
concept of Pokémon (Unown) with different forms. This has now spread to
a wide variety of Pokémon that look different depending on their
location, the item they are holding, or a condition.
To find out the different forms of each Pokémon, and how to get them,
read on! For your convenience, you can use the quick links below for
easier browsing.
Introduction Back
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It used to be that the same Pokémon looked the same anywhere you went.
A Rattata in Pallet Town looked exactly like a Rattata in Fuchsia City.
Well, this was changed with the advent of Pokémon forms. Not only do Pokémon
look different depending on their gender, they can also change forms
depending on the weather, the environment, their personality and the
item that they are holding! For each Pokémon, there is a different
There are many Pokémon each with their different forms. It may be hard
to remember which Pokémon has what forms, and that is why this guide
was created! You can use the quick links above or scroll down to view
the forms of each Pokémon.
Pichu Back
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In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, and new form of Pichu was introduced. If
you trade over a special Pikachu over into HGSS, an event will activate in Ilex
Forest. With the special Pikachu in your party, if you stand in front of the
shrine, the Spiky-Eared Pichu will appear.

This Pichu is very special, with the fact that it cannot be
traded over to any other games, and it knows moves that Pichus normally cannot
learn. It also cannot evolve into Pikachu or Raichu, although it can continue to
level up.
Unown Back
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Unown, the strange rune-like Pokémon that has 28 forms, each representing
a letter of the English alphabet, an exclamation mark, or a question mark.
These mystical beings can be found in Tanoby Chambers in Pokémon
FRLG, Solaceon Ruins in Pokémon DPPt, or the Ruins of Alph
in HGSS. Otherwise, they must be
traded from other games. Unlike other form Pokémon though, Unown cannot change
between its forms.
Castform Back
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Castform is an interesting Pokémon, as its form and type changes with
the weather. First introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, Castform can be found in four
forms: Normal, Rain, Sunny, and Snow-cloud.
If there is a sandstorm or fog, Castform will not
transform. However, if Castform does transform, its unique move, Weather
Ball, will change in type, depending on which form Castform is in.
Deoxys Back
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Deoxys, the strange legendary Pokémon that came from a meteorite in outer
space. In the games, it can be found in Birth Island in Pokémon
Emerald and FRLG, and from Pokémon events around the world. Otherwise, it
must be traded to other games.
Burmy and Wormadam Back
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Once again, a new type of form-changing was introduced in the world of Pokémon. Burmy changes form depending on the environment it is in. This
strange Pokémon takes whatever material there is available and uses it to build
a protective layer around itself. Burmies can be found in Sweet Honey
Trees all over Sinnoh.
Remember that whatever form Burmy was in before will become
permanent on Wormadam. So if you had a Trash Cloak Burmy, it would evolve into a
Trash Cloak Wormadam. That Wormadam will no longer be able to change its form,
so be aware when you evolve your Burmies into Wormadams!
Wait! This guide isn't complete yet! There are still seven more
Pokémon forms to be discussed. The guide was split into two in order to make
loading faster, since it is very image-heavy. Click here to continue
reading onto the next page. Alternatively, you can click on the quick links on
the top of the page.