Introduction Back to Top
Sometimes, on your Pokémon journey, you may come across some strange
looking trees, planted in what seems like soil. Well, these aren't just
normal trees, but they are actually trees that contain berries! What
exactly are berries?
In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, berries were introduced as a way to
cure status ailments or HP. This idea continued into the third and fourth
generations, and now berries have a wide variety of uses. For example,
some affect EVs (more information here),
others restore HP, and still others reduce the effects of super-effective
Berries are found in areas where there is a patch of soil, such as the one
in the image to your left. These patches are scattered all over routes and
cities. Sometimes characters such as the Berry Master give you berries
too. Finally, Pokémon, both yours and wild, can pick up berries randomly
while walking around. However, once you pick a berry from the soil, it is
gone forever! That is why you grow them, because you can always make more
berries with a little water and patience.
Growing and Maintaining Berries
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Growing berries is a way to produce more berries from a single berry. To
do this though, you first need a water pail. The name of the water pail
and its location is listed below.
Pokémon RSE | Wailmer Pail - Pretty Petal Flower Shop (Route 104)
Pokémon DPPt | Sprayduck - Pick a Peck of Colors Flower
Shop (Floaroma Town)
Pokémon HGSS | Berry Planter - Route 36 (Woman next to
Unlike Pokémon RSE and DPPt, in Pokémon HGSS, you do not have soil to
plant the berries, but instead there is a key item called the Berry
Planter where you keep the berries. The process is however very
similar to planting berries in soil.
Once you find a location with soil (or a Berry
Planter), you can plant a berry. If you don't have any berries to
start with, you can always find some from wild Pokémon, or unpicked berry trees scattered around.
Once you plant the berry, you need to water it frequently, just like a
real plant. The more you water, the less dry the soil is, and berries
are produced. However, don't over water the berries, as it has the same
bad effects!
Berries grow in four different stages: seedling, sprout, flowering, and
fruition. Each stage lasts the same amount of time, but this amount
differs for each berry. To find out how long each berry takes in each
stage, refer to the table here.
The growth rate can be changed however, by using fertilizers. These are found
in Pokémon DPPt and can be bought from the Berry Master in Route
208 (in DPPt only).
Their cost and effects are listed below.
Damp Mulch (200P)
Causes berries to grow slower at 1.25 times the normal growth rate. Also
causes the soil to dry slower.

Gooey Mulch (200P)
Increases the number of times that unpicked berries will fall off and

Growth Mulch (200P)
Causes berries to grow faster at 3/4 times the normal growth rate. Also
causes soil to dry faster.
Stable Mulch (200P)
Increases the time unpicked berries will stay on the berry tree without falling
It may be hard keeping track of berries, so in Pokémon DPPt, you
can use the Pokétch App #8 in order to find out where you've
planted your berries.
If you choose to neglect your berries, then come back to pick them, most
likely you will find only one berry on the tree. If you don't even
bother picking the berry, the berry tree will die and the berry will fall
back into the soil and regrow. This will happen a couple of times, and
more if you use the Gooey Mulch.
However, after some regrowths,
there will be no more, and your berry will be gone forever. So - don't
ignore your berry plants!